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Hola Amy! I've come way long where you had left me understand the riddles on my own. You talked about practicality, life, goals and stuffs. I contradicted on love, emotions and about a world parallel to the one you live in. 'Parallel' because it can agree on what you say and believe but can never meet at a point. After you went, I fell for a guy. Tall, fair, tinge black mole on his left cheek, nerve impressions on arms, sparkling eyes and a heart with gold. Oh, how could I resist! No infatuation. It was one whole of a pure thing. Yes, it was. Gradually and figuratively it exceeded like my heels-high on a vodka shot. Things felt good, life felt better. Like a turning point from no where, insecurities striked in. Striked in his footsteps. Cold and noiseless, unlike the ones that used to happen in the college canteen. This time he had a saying like you Amy! ×He talked about practicality, life, goals and stuffs. × I dreamt of prose & poetry. × He talked straight l

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